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Core Competence

Core Competence

Know Your Customer
Consistently seeking information or and understanding continuously the changing needs of customers. "Fulfilling customers’ needs at superior standards will result in customer’s satisfaction, hence loyalty and referrals".

Relationship Management
Building and managing close relationship with customers through improvements in the quality of processes and outputs delivered to the existing customers. "The priority for improvements will be on the processes executed by the front line personnel in the company".

Supply Chain Management
Ensuring that the supply chain management systems are in place and being effectively and efficiently executed. "The system covers not only the flow of goods but also the flow of funds and information".

Institutionalizing and encouraging everybody in the organization to come up with creative solutions that add value for our customers. "Creative solution could mean doing the same thing with certainly different and better ways".

Knowledge Management
Managing knowledge effectively would be the competence to convert data into information and maximize the utilization of the knowledge for creating new products or services. "Providing relevant knowledge for our customers would reciprocally add to our advantage".

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